Premature Ejaculation

The first thing men need to know about premature ejaculation is that PE is the most common sexual dysfunction experienced by men worldwide – far more prevalent than impotence or erectile dysfunction problems. Approximately 4 out of every 10 men will experience premature ejaculation at some point in their lives – so almost every man has close to a 50% chance of experiencing the embarrassment and stress of early ejaculation.

premature ejaculation problemPremature Ejaculation – also known as PE – occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen soon after sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. Most experts agree that men’s typical ejaculatory latency is approximately 5-10 minutes – while the US National Library of Medicine reports studies which indicate that during intercourse the average ejaculation latency time (how long it takes to ejaculate) is 8.25 minutes, with a range of 1.32 to 18.31 minutes.

There is a common misconception in society that younger men are more likely to suffer premature ejaculation, but in actual fact this is not true at all. Although it’s commonly thought that premature ejaculation is a “young man’s problem” partially caused by sexual inexperience – and that frequency of PE decreases with age – the facts show otherwise. Multiple studies of premature ejaculation have indicated that rates of PE among men are constant across all age groups.

Because of this, many men (especially older men) avoid seeking help for premature ejaculation as they are embarrassed that they have this “affliction” that they mistakenly believe only happens to young guys. As a result of this “myth”, a large number of men do not seek treatment and instead eventually stop pursuing sexual activities, which only adds to the problem. Unfortunately these men are missing out on a wide range of premature ejaculation treatments which are currently available.

While we discuss premature ejaculation treatments more in-depth elsewhere on the website – there are several options for reducing or eliminating premature ejaculation, which include medications, sex therapy, psychoanalysis, and self-treatment. We invite you to explore all sections of this website to discover all the options available to you – to help eliminate PE and once again enjoy a pleasurable and satisfying sex life for both you and your partner!


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